Turning Childhood Wounds into Wisdom
A lot of us are playing roles in a script we didn't even know we were handed simply because of societal expectations, family norms, and cultural pressures and we end up living a "scripted life." But if you dig a little deeper, you'll find the traces of childhood wounds beneath these scripted lives—lingering emotions and experiences that keep shaping our thoughts, actions, and relationships well into adulthood.
To break free from a scripted life, one must embark on an inward journey of self-discovery and healing. This involves turning off “autopilot,” confronting past wounds, and unraveling what no longer serves you. It's not about replacing one script with another but rather about connecting the dots from your childhood experiences to why you continue to get in your own way and self-sabotage the things that are most important to you.
Working with Tami will guide you to a place where you can learn from your story, release past wounds, and empower you to live an Unscripted Life guided by authenticity, self-love, and compassion.
Childhood wounds aren't exclusive to traumatic experiences. Even those who had a "pretty good childhood" can carry wounds because, at their core, these wounds relate to fundamental needs. Everyone, regardless of the overall quality of their childhood, seeks to feel seen, heard, accepted, valued, and loved.
These essential emotional needs shape our early experiences and can leave imprints that influence basically everything as we navigate through life. So, examining childhood wounds isn't about labeling experiences as traumatic; it's about understanding how our basic emotional needs were met or unmet and how those patterns continue to play a role in our adult lives.
The distinction between "small" and "big" childhood trauma or wounds is not necessarily about downplaying or ranking the significance of experiences but rather about acknowledging the varying degrees of impact that different experiences can have on an individual's life.
What might be considered a "small" trauma for one person could have significant repercussions for another, depending on factors such as resilience, coping mechanisms, and the availability of support systems. Additionally, the cumulative effect of multiple smaller traumas over time can be just as impactful as a single major traumatic event.
Tami will help you connect the dots and understand the nature and impact of your childhood wounds, regardless of their perceived size, help you foster a new sense of self-awareness, and provide appropriate support and healing intervention.
" If you want to know where to find your contribution to the world, look at your wounds. When you learn how to heal them, teach others " - Emily Maroutian
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